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Qerth cover

Qerth (rhymes with worth) is a fantasy role-playing game setting published by Hex Games for use with second edition QAGS system. The Qerth Apprentice Level Rules book introduces players to the Qerth setting, explains the intricate mechanics of Qerth, and gives rules for character Ranks 1-3. This book focuses on dungeon adventures, because they are the center of Qerth's economy and culture. You will need QAGS Second Edition (or the QAGS Qik Start rules, included in the PDF) and several handfuls of dice to play Qerth.


Qerth utilizes a slightly altered version of QAGS Second Edition.

Chapters that Play[]

The following chapters are know to play, previously played, or open to playing the game:

  1. Derby City Ogres
  2. Soil Ogres
  3. Quilt City Ogres

External Links[]

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